Monday, 10 March 2008

Sydney Update

The reason there has been no bloggage for a while is because every day has been the same.

To keep you up to date with what our lives are like at the moment, simply apply this to every weekday:

7am - Wake Up (8.15 for Matt).
7.20am - Leave the flat (9am for Matt).
7.57am - Go past incredibly fit girl waiting at same bus stop every day (never for Matt... Ha ha!)
8.10am - Walk from bus stop to work (10.00am for Matt).
8.30am - Start work (10.15 for Matt).
11.15am - Have a break (ain't got a clue for Matt, don't care either).
12.30pm - Lunch (usually packed lunch, but Subway if it's payday).
3.15pm - Break.
5.30pm - Finish work, attempt to go to bus stop, but usually go via pub.
6.15pm - Matt finishes work and comes to pub, often in time to buy a round. Perfect.
7.30pm - Start watching TV. Programmes vary* (see below).
8.30pm - Make food** (see below).
9.30pm - Iron shirt for tomorrow / cut hair (as required).
9.45pm - Make sandwiches (unless payday - see above).
11.15pm - Watch David Letterman's late show. Hate it and slag it off.
11.30pm - Dave goes to bed.
Later - Matt goes to bed. Dave asleep so unaware of what time this occurs.

* Programmes vary but include the following:

A Year With The Queen (she's famous over here too)
Bondi Rescue (idiot tourists, often English, almost drowning)
Dirty Sexy Money (involves scandal and fit girls in underwear)
Boston Legal (life after Star Trek for William Shatner)
CSI: Miami (main character is ginger - legend)
The Biggest Loser (Australian fatties trying to lose weight)

** Meals vary but include the following:

Pasta, baked beans, tuna & salad cream.
Beef and cheese pies, chips and gravy.
Beef and cheese pies, chips and beans.
Chicken and vegetable pies, chips and gravy.
Chicken and vegetable pies, chips and beans.
Sausage, chips and beans.
Noodles (various flavours).
Noodle sandwiches (white bread, noodles may vary).

As for the weekends, they go something like this:

Friday evening - Go to pub for 'a' drink. End up drinking more than one.
Saturday morning - Go to Coogee / Bondi beach.
Saturday evening - Go for 'a couple' of drinks. End up drinking 'a few' rather than 'a couple'.
Sunday morning - Regret Saturday evening's 'couple' of drinks.
Sunday afternoon - Go to K-Mart and look at mountain bikes / frisbees / dogs.
Sunday evening - Plan the week's TV viewing schedule / make sandwiches / iron.

So there you have it!!

Life in the bus lane.

Matt's off to the Grand Prix next weekend, and we're going to the Blue Mountains for Easter weekend, so more blog action on the way......

Bye bye Miss American Pie x


Blogger jodester said...

You've been blog-tagged! CHeck out the rules here:

24 April 2008 at 22:55  

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